
Vanango Township is now hosting a glass recycling pilot project.

See the flyer below for for more information.

Erie County RecyclingPro Waste Recycling recently replaced the recycling containers with locked dumpsters that have slots in the top to make sure that whole bags of materials were not put into the bins. Materials for recycling were to be out of garbage bags, foods and liquids emptied and no landfill material put into the bins.

 We hope residents will follow the new guidelines of what can be recycled and how to recycle. Please read the two following pages one from Erie County and the other from Pro Waste. DO NOT LEAVE BAGS OF RECYCLABLES AROUND THE BINS AND ABSOLUTELY NO GARBAGE. It is your program to save and remember, township residents only. Thanks for your help.

Erie County Recycling

Pro Waste Recycling

Zoning Ordinance:   Venango Township Zoning 2016

Zoning map 2016

SALDO:  Venango SALDO 2016

Adopted 09/06/16